March 15, 2023

For Business Flexibility, Gainwell Turns to a Skills-Driven Culture

For Business Flexibility, Gainwell Turns to a Skills-Driven Culture

The more you know about your workers’ skills, the faster your company can move.

That was a critical motivation for Gainwell, a leader in cloud technology in the healthcare field, when it turned to SkyHive by Cornerstone to improve talent management. Gainwell needs to move people from project to project fairly quickly as it gets new contracts with states or private companies. The company wants to improve both recruiting and retention, so better internal mobility and a skills-driven culture is a must.

“We really need to be able to staff positions quickly as we flex up and down,” says Julie Moore, Principal, Talent & Development. “If we’re working on a project for a state or client and that comes to an end, we need to be ready for the next one. Plus, we have a lot of priority roles, and with the right skills always in short supply, we can’t always fill them from the outside.”

But to do that, Gainwell needs to know the capabilities of everyone in its workforce.  

It turned to SkyHive by Cornerstone.

A Quick Rollout

Implementing SkyHive Enterprise meant learning the skills of the entire Gainwell workforce, and examining the skills needed in each role. From there, Gainwell can see the skills each employee needs to learn to bridge the gap between what they know and what they need to know to progress in their careers.

The launch was in March 2022. Internally, Gainwell called the innovative skills inventory system “G>Force.”  

Gainwell’s goal was to have 80 percent of employees complete a skills profile listing at least 10 skills. It marketed G>Force using the company newsletter and intranet. By the end of June, it had hit that 80 percent mark. On average, the 10,600 employees who had completed a profile averaged 22 skills per profile.  

Building employee profiles was only the beginning of Gainwell’s skills transformation journey. Leaders encouraged employees to get the most out of G>Force, and in July the company launched the training, career pathing, and mentoring modules. This means employees indicate their desired career path. From there, employees can find mentors, courses, projects, and new internal jobs all based on the skills they want and need to add.  

‍Mentors, Courses, and Career Paths

By the end of 2022, 83 percent of Gainwell had a skills profile.  

When employees complete training, projects, or earn a certification, they update their profiles with the new skills or added proficiency. Moore’s team is encouraging employees to review it quarterly or semi-annually at a minimum.    

Now, with G>Force, the 11,000-employee company:

  • Has a skills inventory to identify internal employees to fill open positions and promote from within  
  • Is improving recruiting and retention by providing a culture of growth and opportunity
  • Uses employees’ expertise on critical projects; it now knows who has skills in areas such as AWS or Agile

Employees are happy, too. In a recent survey, G>Force scored a strong Net Promoter Score of 39. Said one employee: “The Skill Profile Development is an amazing tool. Whenever I get a chance I go into it, add skills I've developed, and seek more.” Another survey respondent said, “Gainwell University helped improve my skills development and other free online courses through G>force. It’s a wonderful tool that every employee should use to their advantage.”

To learn more about Gainwell’s skills transformation journey, read the full case study.

Are you ready to become a skills-based organization? Book a demo with SkyHive by Cornerstone today.

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