December 5, 2022

We’re Partnering With Europe’s Innovators

We’re Partnering With Europe’s Innovators

SkyHive is thrilled to be working with Kickstart Innovation — one of the leading innovation platforms in Europe – along with cutting-edge companies from 11 countries.

Kickstart—out of Zurich, where SkyHive Co-Founder & CTO Mohan Reddy joined the group this year—brings together public and private organizations, startups, investors, and experts, with the shared ambition to deliver next-generation products and services and have a meaningful impact at scale. Kickstart runs six verticals: New Work & Learning, Finance & Insurance, Food & Retail, Health & Wellbeing, Smart Cities, and Intrapreneurship.  

This year, the 55+ partnerships Kickstart announced included:

- A  compostable-bag company partnering with a retailer to expand its use of sustainable bags

- Two companies partnering to improve medication safety for senior citizens

- A pilot aimed at improving the intelligence of radiators to save energy

The  SkyHive  partnership  involves  PostFinance,  one of Switzerland’s leading financial institutions.  PostFinance will collaborate with SkyHive on a skill-management  pilot  to unleash human potential and future-proof its IT workforce. SkyHive’s patented workforce operating system helps enterprises, governments, and educational institutions by providing real-time data on skills.

Mohan Reddy at the Kickstart closing ceremony in Zurich

“Established companies in Switzerland are very receptive and committed to working with startups,” Reddy says. “They have dedicated resources to work on new, innovative ideas.”

Let us know if you want more information about our work with Kickstart and with PostFinance.  


Photo by Claudio Schwarz on Unsplash

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